Monday, August 13, 2012

Crafting is a girl's best friend

I was in a sorority. I've lived in houses full of girls for four years. I majored in a creative discipline. I am a standardly broke 20something.  I like pretty things that sparkle. All of these things should combine to make me an expert at DIY projects and crafting, right? Sadly, my actual skill in crafting is questionable, given my unequivocal failure with puffy paint (one of my biggest downfalls in being a sorority girl) and inability to cut straight (check out the curtains I just made for my room and I dare you not to laugh or at least be mildly bewildered by the erratic hemline), but there is nothing I love more than perusing Pinterest for new crafts that I may or may not ever make.

However, I've recently moved into an adorable house and am currently unemployed (something I would love to change if anyone would like to hire me!), so I've got nothing but time and unchecked enthusiasm for making my home as crafted as possible. Given that my budget is necessarily a bit more restrained than my fervor for homemade headboards and spray painted Mason jar vases, a lot of these projects will have to wait, but I'd love to share a few of the DIY items on my to-do list, if you'd like to see.

{instructions here}

I may not have the patience to actually do this, but if anyone wants to come create an ombre wall in my bedroom for me I can promise you generous helpings of homemade cookies in exchange, which I think is a pretty good deal. {instructions here}

Buy plaques at craft store, paint, and mod podge pictures on. {DIY mod podge instructions here}

I love maps.  {instructions here and more gorgeous DIY bookshelves here}

Feel free to check out my Pinterest crafting board if you'd like to see some of the other (probably map-related) crafts I'd love to have inhabiting my home! 

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