Is your mouth watering yet? Mine hasn't stopped since I spent half of my Spring Break looking at baking blogs and recipes. I even tried making cinnamon sugar pull apart bread and lasagna roll ups with my mom (not together. Don't worry.). That bread.......heavenly. There are no words. It kind of makes every other breakfast feel like a waste now.
But I digress. The recipes above have currently been occupying the part of my brain that should be switching back into school mode, but let's be honest: what's more important, making delicious cheesecake-peanut butter frosted-chocolate cake combinations, or studying? I thought so too. Hence why I spent the better part of last night looking up these recipes to fulfill my chocolate craving. Though the second one may be a bit ambitious (but definitely something I am going to try eventually), the first one looks almost too easy to be true. I never thought of combining these two particular favorites (raw cookie dough and rich brownies), but now that I've seen the magical results, I can't wait to get my hands on some. And, yet another plus, the cookie dough doesn't contain raw eggs (though I think if I was going to get salmonella, it would have happened already after the countless batches of cookies that have never quite made it to the oven), so there are no health risks! Unless you count morbid obesity from consuming entire pans at once. Which I don't.
Baking blogs have been my new obsession every since I stumbled upon foodgawker's most favorited recipes a couple weeks ago. Due to Spring Break fortunately coinciding with this discovery, I actually had time to make the aforementioned recipes, but that has only made me hungry for more -- which, unfortunately, coincides with the beginning of a new quarter. However, I'm already scheduling in baking time for the quarter around my massive reading assignments, and while that may not be good for the upcoming swimsuit season, I feel confident that it can be nothing but good for my overall happiness and well being, which is a tradeoff I'm willing to make. Stay tuned for the outcome of the as-yet untested cookie dough brownies -- hopefully to be made this weekend!